Faruk Ahamed Jony


Managing Director - at smsneed.co

2021 smsneed.co

I established a Digital Marketing Company name (SMSNEED) and now I am serving as it's Managing Director.

Founder and Managing Director - at ResellerNeed.com

2020 ResellerNeed.com

I have a few employees at this company, Here are the services we provide: ResellerNeed has become a stop-shop marketplace for everyone with products and services that a web professional can use to enable

Founder and Managing Director - at ThemeNeed.Com

2020 ThemeNeed.Com

I have a few employees at this company, Here are the services we provide: ThemeNeed.com is a premium WordPress theme company.We have online newspaper theme, online TV theme, online educational theme, personal theme, business theme, e-commerce theme and many more themes.

Android app Developer - at Chattogram Polytechnic Institute

2019 CPI

"CPI App" has come to Google Playstore for the convenience of all students of Chittagong Polytechnic. Which is a complete student guidance. The goal of creating this app is to have a huge organization like Chittagong Polytechnic so that you do not have to face any difficulty in getting any kind of information.

Founder and Managing Director - at ServerNeed

My First Company ServerNeed

I have a few employees at this company, Here are the services we provide: Hosting & Domain, Web Design & Development, Software Development, Android App Development, Graphics Design, Online Marketing. ServerNeed- Hosting Domain & Web Development Company Cheap Web Hosting, Cloud Hosting , WordPress Hosting , Reseller Hosting, Cpanel Managed Dedicated Server and Cheap Domain Provider Company For All Over The World


IT Support Technician (NTVQF Lavel- 1)

04 Months Competent

I am doing an IT Support Technician 4 month course at BKTTC under SEIP

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA 200-301)

06 Months A+

The Cisco CCNA network associate certification validates the ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks, ETC.

Digital Marketing Course - LEDP

03 Months A+

I am doing Digital Marketing course from Learning & Earning Development Project - LEDP

Web Design & Development - Course - LEDP

06 Months A+

I am doing Web Design & Development course from Learning & Earning Development Project - LEDP.

Diploma in Engineering

4 Years + Computer Technology

I am doing Diploma in Engineering in Computer Department from Chattogram Polytechnic Institute.

Computer Office Application

06 Months A+

I have done a short term course in Computer Office Application, under Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

Secondary School Certificate

2 Years Civil Construction

I passed SSC with Civil Construction Trade from Bangladesh-Korea Technical Training Center, Chittagong.

Programming Skills









It's my personal life Extra Nature







